Glass Bottling


Tunnel PasteurisersShivsu-Rita has a Technical Collaboration with M/s. Rita Bottling Machines Private Limited for the manufacture of Pasteurizers and Tunnel Coolers as per
their design and Technology. Shivsu-Rita is one of the leading manufacturers of Tunnel Pasteurizers in India and Abroad. Shivsu-Rita has provided significant contribution in Indian and International Breweries where several Shivsu-Rita Tunnel Pasteurizers have been installed.

Our designs ensures maximum savings in utilities like water, steam, power and other operational expenses. Engineers and Technicians of Shivsu-Rita have been trained by Rita Bottling for the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the machineries.

The end use of the Automatic Tunnel Pasteurizers is to automatically pasteurize (with Heat) the bottled or canned product at the rated speed and quality and thereby make the package stable for several months without any quality deterioration of the food.

The heat system employed in the process kills any micro-organisms, stabilizing and preserving the quality of the foods in its natural state without addition of any harmful chemicals or preservatives. Pasteurized products in cans/bottles stay fresh for consumption for several months.

  • Quick Heat Transfer
  • Super Heat Zone
  • Defined Pasteurization Units
  • Low Water Consumption
  • Minimum Steam Consumption
  • Economy of Space
  • Energy Saving
  • Stainless Steel In-feed, Out-feed
  • Stainless Steel extra heavy duty flat mesh belt
  • Clog free Stainless Steel Spray Pans
  • Perfect Automatic Temperature Control Panel
  • Fully Automatic Electric and Remote Panels with digitalReadout and Printout
  • Modern Pumping System


DATA SD 80 SD 120 SD 180 SD 210 SD 240
650ml (Bottles / Hour) 8000 12000 18000 21000 24000
Steam Consumption (Kg /Hr) 400 600 900 1050 1200
Steam Pressure (Kg / Cm2 ) 4-5 4-5 4-5 5 - 6 5 - 6
Water Consumption (m3 / Hr) 1 1 2 2 3
Water Pressure 2 Kg / Cm2
Air Consumption (Litres / Hr) 1000 1000 2000 2000 2500
Air Pressure Max 6 Kg / Cm2
Power (Kw) 20 22 20 22 42 45 50
Weight (Tonnes) 22 26 35 42 45
Length (mm) 12700 14700 14700 18000 19000
Width (mm) 4700 4700 8200 8400 8400
Height (mm) 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100


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